Last Friday we picked up the kids from school, and drove to the Seweweekspoort pass for the weekend.
We had driven past the cottages before, and for once I got myself organized and did the booking…
It was a real treat – a treat for the soul, for our family, for each of us. A quaint little cottage deep in the mountains – no electricity, no TV, no cellphone reception!
(I would have liked to add: no noise – but with a 5 year old son that is not possible)
We played UNO, we read stories, we went to bed early and slept late. We made a braai every evening and even for breakfast, we played soccer and walked up the mountain to the fresh water spring.
And most of all, we talked.
We had time to talk – lots of time. To talk with the kids about how things were in “the olden days” (paraffin lamps and a gas fridge) , where water comes from in the mountain , what it would be like to live in a place like this (home schooling sounded ok, but no karate and modern dancing ?) .
Hubby and I had time to talk about what is important in our lives, what we want to change, and where we see the future for us and our family.
And we talked to God – we marvelled at how he made the mountains, and we laughed at how He made the wind swish through the valley again and again , and we thanked Him for the wonderful world around us (ok, and the kids also praised God for making clever people that invented computers and play-stations) .
It was a beautiful weekend – and reminded me again how important it is for all of us to take time out every now and then, and just be. Just be.